Cross-border data transfers and appropriate safeguards
What do you need to be aware of when transferring personal data to other countries – especially the EU or the US?
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How may you best achieve compliance with the DPA 2018, the UK GDPR and – if you also operate in the EU – the GDPR and other countries’ data protection laws? The following guides and articles from our experts will assist you.
What do you need to be aware of when transferring personal data to other countries – especially the EU or the US?
A clarification of several key issues helps companies in the United Kingdom answer the difficult question of whether they have to comply with European data protection laws.
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) imposed a fine of £ 7.5 Million on Clearview Al Inc. for the use of images and other information obtained from the internet for their facial recognition app.
What you can learn from the mistakes of other companies in the UK and from ICO fines about privacy-compliant direct marketing.
If data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests, a legitimate interest assessment (LIA) should be performed prior to the data processing to ensure UK GDPR compliance. We show you how to conduct this assessment and how to act based on its outcome.
What do companies in the UK have to consider under the EU Commission’s adequacy decision when transferring data from the EU? What other data protection requirements apply to cooperation with companies in the EU?
What UK companies should consider when using algorithms for employment decisions and how to reach a data protection compliant HR solution.
The ICO issued fines amounting to up to £ 750,000 to companies for making unlawful calls. The UK data protection supervisory authority also published the names of the companies to deter others. UK Ltd. is a London-based law firm specialising in data protection law and related areas of law. UK Ltd.
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