DPO Services
in terms of the UK GDPR
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The all-in-one data protection solution for your company in the UK. Focus on your business – we take care of your UK GDPR compliance.
DPO Services
in terms of the UK GDPR
The all-in-one data protection solution for your company in the UK. Focus on your business – we take care of your UK GDPR compliance.

DPO Services for UK businesses
The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) stipulates the appointment of a DPO (data protection officer) for many companies in the UK.
As a data protection officer requires technical and legal expertise, it is crucial to appoint a DPO with the necessary skills. A company’s DPO is advisor for the management and staff in all data protection related matters, must be able to train staff and to regularly inspect the technical and organisational implementation of data protection measures in the company.
You would be well advised to outsource this role to skilled experts with all the required qualifications, experience and motivation.
Benefits of outsourcing DPO Services to activeMind.legal
Of course, the duties of the data protection officer can be assumed by an employee of a company, if their position is sufficiently independent. However, this employee would have to be released from his current duties, given the required resources and given extensive training in data protection regulations and technical and organisational measures. You should not underestimate the demands placed on such an employee and the associated costs.
Conversely, the benefits of outsourcing this role are evident. The most important advantages you will have by utilising our experts are:
- Independent consulting without the danger of being caught in organisational or legal issues
- Top-notch solutions from proven experts who focus on data protection every day
- Enablement for UK GDPR compliant solutions of your business model, value chains and data processing

Our DPO Service packages
As all businesses are different, the depth and necessity of your required support may also differ.
However, to ensure you always meet the minimum legal requirements of the UK GDPR, our DPO Service packages cover all legal minimum requirements. The more extensive the support, the more we can help you build your data protection management system (DPMS).
4 good reasons, why activeMind.legal UK Ltd. is the best choice for DPO Services for your company
Specialised UK and EU legal experts
Technical expertise
Diverse experience
Predictable costs
Free enquiry
To find out more about our specific flat-rates and services, please fill out the free request form.
We will contact you within two working days to discuss your needs and the extent of support required by your company.
Frequently asked questions about the EU representative required under the GDPR
Which companies need an EU representative?
Art. 27 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requires companies that do not have offices, branches, or other establishments in the EU (non-EU businesses), but conduct business with European clients, to appoint an EU representative. Specifically, you must appoint an EU representative if your organisation processes personal data in the following contexts:
- offering goods or services to individuals in the EU, or
- monitoring the behaviour of individuals in the EU.
This obligation applies to both data controllers and data processors.
What are the tasks of an EU representative?
An EU representative serves as a contact point between your company and individuals or data protection authorities in the EU. An EU representative therefore acts on your company’s behalf with regard to your obligations under the GDPR. Furthermore, the representative maintains your records of processing activities and makes these records available to supervisory authorities upon request.
Who can be an EU representative?
EU representatives can be external service providers, and the role can be performed by individuals or organisations, such as law firms, consultancies, or other private companies. They must be based in one of the countries where customers or data subjects that are being monitored are located or where your goods or services are being offered.
What qualifications does an EU representative need?
The GDPR does not specify the minimum qualifications an EU representative should hold. However, it is advisable to appoint a representative that has a broad understanding of the relevant legal and technical data protection issues in order to be able to communicate with the authorities efficiently. Furthermore, as an EU representative serves as the contact point between your company and data subjects or authorities, it is thus essential that the representative speaks the local language fluently.
What are the costs of an EU representative?
How much you can expect to pay for an EU representative under the GDPR depends on several factors, for example, the size of your company, the number of employees, what data you process and how many locations in how many countries you have. These all influence the amount of queries and attention from supervisory authorities your company may expect to receive. Furthermore, the costs for an EU representative are influenced by how much support you may need in creating and maintaining the necessary data protection documents (especially the records of processing activities – ROPA).