Dealing with data subject requests under the UK GDPR
Ultimate guidance for UK businesses: How to respond correctly and in compliance with the data protection law to data subject requests.
Dr Evelyne Sørensen focuses on both UK and international data protection law, offering legal counsel to clients across diverse sectors. She has extensive experience in advising global groups of companies on the legal aspects of launching and evolving new (digital) business models. Additionally, she provides expert guidance on compliance.
Ultimate guidance for UK businesses: How to respond correctly and in compliance with the data protection law to data subject requests.
The right to restrict processing gives data subjects a supplementary possibility to exercise control and governance over their personal data. Controllers have to ensure the restriction in many ways. UK Ltd. is a London-based law firm specialising in data protection law and related areas of law. UK Ltd.
No 1 Royal Exchange
London, EC3V 3DG
Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with SRA ID 659582
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